It's almost time!! I mailed my application in January 2010, got accepted April 2010, moved up my departure date from July 2011 to January 2011 in September 2010, and now I am sitting here, 7 days left to before I head off on my Australian adventure.
For the parents who are so supportive of this endeavour, I've included books in the title of this blog, as that is the primary reason I am going to Australia (Three cheers for school!). For myself, and my wonderful friends, don't worry, I also plan on having a few beers while I'm there.
I have a feeling that this week is going to fly by with everything I have to get done before I go, but since I am still chained to a desk from 8-4:30 for the next day and a half, I might as well take advantage of the fact I am sitting in front of a computer.
This blog will be my ramblings of what I am up to, so my many admirers (all 2 of you, hey mom and dad!) can follow my comings and goings. I can't say how often I will be blogging, because it depends on how busy I am with school! I hope to have some fascinating tales to regale you all with, but if I don't, lets pretend I do anyways!